We will not ask you to grab your calculator and determine your additional tax liability yourself. Our website can easily show you what your net additional tax liability will be.
Step 1:
Choose the car you want to calculate and start the process: choose a colour, package and options. On the right-hand side of the page is our table with monthly fees. Whatever options you choose, the lease price, the fiscal value and the net additional tax liability are automatically calculated and displayed.
Step 2:
When you click on contract duration, the table will expand (see image below).
The calculation of the net additional tax liability will be more accurate when you enter your annual income and personal contribution (if applicable).
Note: the calculation does not factor in the income-dependent general tax credit or the labour tax credit. This means your final additional tax liability may be higher than the calculation indicates.
Email: info@directlease.nl
Telephone: 0541 - 571 710